Usually when we write we’re commenting on someone else’s accomplishment but today’s a little different. Today we get to talk about us and the fact we won ‘Art Store of the Year’ 2020/21 at the Central England Prestige Awards.
If we’re honest, we never really expected anything to happen. We filled in the necessary details, sent it off and carried on as normal. Then, out of the blue, the phone rang and a lovely lady from the Prestige Awards informed us of the wonderful news.
From the outset we always knew we were trying to achieve something a bit special; something a little different. Although there are plenty of places to buy art, we always felt the art on offer was either cheap mass produced rubbish or overpriced fine art.
From the artists perspective, we had read numerous moans and groans on social media regarding the way galleries and art sites had treated them and then taken the lion’s share of the profits.
Our goal was to create a place that showcased stunning original art and art prints from talented artists at great prices. These artists would then receive a commission that reflected their commitment to creating great art… that place became
Stomp The Holy Bones Caroline Reed Virus Indie Matharu Mr Bunny Mark Fox
In just over 18 months we have an incredibly diverse group of amazing artists. Each one talented as the next and all continuously striving to push themselves to create better and better art.
Fiona McLauchlan-Hyde Raffaella Bertolini Sarah Perkins Paul Kneen
In that same time we’ve been feverously writing away about all things art including our controversial ‘Who really painted Banksy’s Devolved Parliament’, our chat with Darren Main about his ‘Money Art Collective’, Coronavirus art, Banksy’s refugee boat and the wonderfully heart-warming ‘Background Bob’ project (which became a book AND an exhibition) to name but a few.
Then there were all our ‘In The Spotlight’ interviews with incredible artists like My Dog Sighs, the original Banksy ‘Blek Le Rat’, Mason Storm and our very own Indie Matharu and Raffaella Bertolini.
Mason Storm Blek Le Rat Raffaella-Bertolini Indie-Matharu My Dog Sighs
in our ‘In The Spotlight’ series
And this is just the start. We will continue showcasing great art, finding more talented artists and bringing you the best stories. Who knows, maybe there will be more awards along the way 😊
We hope you’ll stay with us on this exciting adventure as we make CreativeFolk THE place to go to for great art at great prices.