Over the last few months we have had the pleasure of speaking to some amazingly talented artists such as Iva Troj, My Dog Sighs and Carne Griffiths. Today we speak to another, the talented Indie Matharu who, when combined with skill, shows just what can be achieved with a pencil.
Aside from being an amazing artist, we don’t really know much else about you. Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you became an artist?
I always enjoyed art at school, so I knew I wanted to do something creative. I didn’t have the confidence to pursue fine art, so I opted for Graphic design. We covered a bit of illustration during the course, but not too much.
After that I got a job in digital/web design and did that until 2014 when I was made redundant. Not knowing what else to do with myself, in 2015 I started drawing and painting and began putting them on social media.
I found people very encouraging on Facebook and although I enjoyed the painting, I decided to focus solely on drawing and I’ve never put down the pencil since.
What is it about the humble pencil that you like?
You can achieve a lot of depth from graphite pencil. Once a piece is finished, the tiny details reveal themselves and you can immerse yourself in the feeling or emotion that it evokes.
“The Triumph of Neptune
stilling the Waves”
Sculpture by Lambert-Sigisbert Adam“Tied to you”
You use the clever play on your name In:Diem? Is this Latin for ‘to the day’ and do you regard yourself as someone who seizes the day?
That’s just a happy coincidence! it’s literally just an abbreviation of my name. I do think I seize opportunities but only after it’s been painstakingly analysed ?
How have you found the experience of lockdown, has it affected you or your business at all?
I’m always on lockdown! The industry for many has suffered, but art is an indulgence and in these unprecedented times I personally have seen fewer sales. I’m not despondent about it, there will always be highs and lows.
What has been your greatest achievement to date?
Having the courage to go down the art path and share my art and open myself up to criticism. I wish I’d done it sooner.
Out of the vast number of pieces you’ve created, do you have a favourite?
The simple answer is no. Drawing is very therapeutic for me, some were drawn out of rage, some sadness, a few reflective and a lot of pure self-indulgence, eg Bowie and Prince, both amazing artists and both a delight to draw.
“Written in pain, written in awe
By a puzzled man who questioned
What we were here for”
David Bowie“Darlin’ Nikki”
Of all the other talented artists out there, who do you admire? Who are your influences?
There are so many. For someone who uses a lot of black and white I really enjoy artists who use a lot of colour as well as black and white.
I admire all your fellow artists and enjoy sharing art work with a variety of people that specialise in differing aspects. I could name everyone that influences me and inspires me, but the list would go on forever!
As far as influence goes, I am sure my design background has influenced my art a lot too.

What do you think of the current UK art scene?
We have a thriving art scene here. A real rich variation of extremely talented people spanning across all genres. It’s very exciting to be part of it.
What advice would you give to someone starting their art career?
Don’t give up. Ever!
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else.
Where can people go to see more of your work?
I’ve just launched my website. www.indiem.co.uk
And of course, the socials – facebook.com/indiem7 and Instagram.com/in_diem
And finally, what’s next for Indie Matharu?
I don’t know how to answer that. I’m so grateful to be where I am now… but definitely more drawing.