In a recent article we discussed how artists have reacted to the Coronavirus pandemic through their art. Some of the pieces mentioned were in response to the absurd hoarding of loo roll.
A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to join a group called ‘bog roll arts’ which, as you can imagine, intrigued us. Then yesterday we spotted an article on the BBC news website about something called the #pinkfootloorollchallenge.
What both of these ideas have in common is the very creative answer as to what people can do with the vast amounts of left-over loo roll tubes… turn them into wonderful works of art obviously!
Pinkfoot Gallery owner, Sarah Whittley is the woman behind this challenge, and the response has been incredible. In the BBC article she explains how she wanted to create something that we can all get involved in, using something we all have access to… toilet roll.

This has resulted in people from far and wide posting their masterpieces using the hashtag pinkfootloorollchallenge. What’s great about this is that everyone has got involved, from professional artists to people who have never picked up a paint brush before.
The plan is for an exhibition of the works to take place at her Gallery in Cley next the sea in Norfolk when the lockdown is finally lifted.
Why not have a go yourself and post your creation to social media with #pinkfootloorollchallenge.
Bog Roll Arts
In a similar fashion to Sarah Whittley’s venture, the Facebook group ‘Bog Roll Arts’ of which there are about 450 members, invites you to get creative with a toilet roll and post your art to their page. There’s some truly wonderful pieces with very apt names such as ‘Iggy Poop’, ‘Bogrigami‘ and ‘loocy’.

Not only are there some great pieces to see but people are also posting other loo roll related ideas such as how to use loo roll to create a wonderful dandelion painting.
Get involved!
What we love about these groups is the sheer ingenuity, of not only the people who set them up, but also the contributors. The absurd hoarding of loo roll has resulted in a brilliant reaction to it, giving people inspiration to get their creative juices flowing.
During these very strange and uncertain times of lockdown it’s so important we keep our minds active and this is a great way to do that, no matter what your art skill level is.
From the comments and responses we’ve seen within the groups, everyone is so supportive and encouraging of one another. In times of crisis, like this, it’s wonderful to see people coming together and having some fun.
We highly recommend you give it a go; we’re certainly going to.